Starting Out in AI with P5

Learn how AI works through hands-on exploration of 3 AI techniques using Javascript.

Every day Artificial intelligence touches our lives in more-and-more ways. However, it feels like the more computers understand about us, the less we understand about them!

But the software and methods behind these technologies needn't be a mystery!

In this fun and interactive course, come and learn how different AI algorithms work.

Course Outline


For absolute beginners, suitable if you are completely new to programming. Students will be guided as needed to complete the programming tasks.

Suitable For

Adults and Teenagers


Learn how AI works through hands-on exploration of 3 AI techniques using Javascript using Javascript.


Approaches in AI

Understand the challenge of AI, some of the history, and how modern AI is used to solve problems.

Making Decisions

You will see how to define AI tasks and use code to allow computers to make decisions. You will work with some Javascript code to get your computer to play Noughts and Crosses and explore how this technique can be extended to other strategy games.

Learning from Data

You will see how computers can learn from data using neural networks. You will build and train neural networks to recognise objects and gestures presented to your computer's camera. You will then write some Javascript code to use this neural network to control a game using gestures.

Learning from Experience

You will see how computers can learn from their own experience using reinforcement learning. You will work with some Javascript code to get your computer to solve a simple maze and then design your own problem for the computer to solve.


10 hours (usually over 2 days)


Prices depend on location. See individual dates for details.

Skills you will pick up in the course

Key skill categories

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to


Note that the course content may vary slightly from location to location. Please check the external link the exact course content.

This course can be customised and delivered for your group or organisation. Email me with your requirements and I will get back to you.

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